

KUNGU (Noun) –Swahili for mist or fog, symbolizing the unseen, the emerging, and the gradual unveiling of possibilities when we get closer.

Infrastructure is not just a matter of concrete and steel—it is a reflection of political and social priorities. The question is not just what is built, but for whom and at whose expense." — Deborah Cowen

Our Story

Infrastructure—whether physical, social, or digital—is deeply political, contested, and often exclusionary. It determines who has access, who is included, and who is left behind. Recognizing infrastructure as a critical pathway to social and environmental justice, we founded KUNGU LABS in 2018 to challenge conventional development models.

We knew there had to be another way—one that centers those most affected by these challenges through deep listening, collaborative learning, and co-creating solutions with the people who navigate these realities every day. KUNGU LABS is built on the belief that those closest to the problem are also closest to the solution. We champion radical participation, ensuring that communities actively shape their futures rather than having solutions imposed on them.

Beyond Critique—Building an Alternative
KUNGU LABS exists to disrupt the status quo—not just by critiquing existing systems but by serving as an interpretive and catalytic agent. We integrate ethnographic and participatory action research with urban planning, design, and advocacy to create solutions that reflect the realities, aspirations, and agency of the communities we serve. 

Meet our team